5 Anavar Stacks for Maximum Fat Loss/Muscle Gain

Disclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only and NOT to promote the use of illegal steroids. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is currently available for consultations.
Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a much sought-after anabolic steroid, due to its potent ability to burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. When you consider its mild nature in regards to side effects, you have an almost flawless steroid, that is well-tolerated among both genders.
Such benefits are why Anavar is still approved by the FDA in medicine today. However, it is a controlled substance and thus is illegal in most countries utilized for cosmetic purposes i.e. bodybuilding.
Although Anavar produces exceptional results as a stand-alone cycle, it can be combined with other anabolic steroids for enhanced results. Below are 5 Anavar stacks that bodybuilders commonly use and their pros/cons.
Testosterone, like Anavar, is one of the best tolerated anabolic steroids on the market. This makes the duo a complementary stack as side effects will still be comfortable for many users (when used in moderate dosages).
Testosterone, like Anavar, is an FDA-approved medicine; indicating its safety when prescribed under expert medical supervision.
Testosterone will speed up subcutaneous fat loss, whilst dramatically increasing muscle hypertrophy and strength. If users are new to both of these steroids and utilize this stack, muscle gains of roughly 25-30lbs can be expected in moderate dosages.
Testosterone is typically considered a bulking steroid (despite its versatile nature), due to its potent mass-building qualities. It can rival some of the strongest bulking steroids on the market, and arguably is the best off-season compound, in terms of its risk-to-reward ratio.
However, Testosterone does aromatize and thus temporary gains in water weight on-cycle can be expected. This will counteract the diuretic effect of Anavar, thus if a dry and ripped look is coveted by users, this stack may not be optimal.
Testosterone is predominantly an injectable steroid, whereas Anavar is an oral. Thus, if someone wants to avoid needles, another stack will be more suitable.
This stack is not suitable for women, due to the addition of testosterone causing virilization.
The above cycle is suitable for a beginner, who wants to experience significant results with minimal side effects. High dosages of this stack for a novice could be problematic, causing raised LDL and reduced HDL cholesterol — increasing the risk of myocardial infarction.
The above protocol is tailored for intermediate bodybuilders who have taken steroids before and have tolerated Testosterone/Anavar well in standalone cycles. The above cycle duration is extended to 10 weeks (from 7) and the maximum Testosterone dosage increases to 500mg (from 350mg).
These are not aggressive dosages by bodybuilding standards and thus blood pressure should not rise to excessively high levels in most users; however, they should be regularly monitored. A SERM (Selective estrogen receptor modulator) such as Nolvadex may be taken if a user’s nipples start to become puffy, to inhibit estrogenic activity in the mammary glands. This will prevent gynecomastia in sensitive users.
This is arguably the most potent cutting stack a bodybuilder can utilize. Winstrol is very similar to Anavar in regards to its effects on body composition (being a potent fat burner/muscle builder); however, Winstrol is considered the more powerful compound.
Thus, when taken by themselves, results on Winstrol will typically be more pronounced than Anavar — but the former will also produce more severe side effects.
Winstrol does not aromatize, like Anavar, thus vascularity will become more prominent; as well as striations and muscle definition. This is due to both of these compounds depleting extracellular water retention (the fluid that collects between the skin and muscle).
Generally, users will take either Anavar or Winstrol instead of stacking them together. However, if someone wanted to get as dry and ripped as possible; whilst retaining full muscle bellies — this is an effective stack.
When cycling Anavar alone, users won’t get as shredded compared to taking it with Winstrol.
When taking Winstrol alone, users won’t have as full muscles, compared to taking it with Anavar.
The downside to this stack is it will cause substantial fluctuations in LDL/HDL cholesterol and AST/ALT liver enzymes. Anavar taken alone is considered a mild cycle; however, when taken simultaneously with Winstrol, it produces a much harsher environment for the body (specifically in terms of hepatic and cardiac health).
The below stack is not recommended for women, due to the likelihood of Winstrol causing virilization.
The above stack should only be taken by intermediate or advanced users, due to the toxicity of Winstrol. This stack will cause exceptional, rapid fat loss and moderate gains in lean muscle mass (10-20lbs).
The only way women may tolerate this stack is if Winstrol is used in very small dosages. If a woman has taken an Anavar-only cycle and wants to take her fat loss and muscle gains to new heights; the addition of Winstrol will do just that.
However, if a female is over-aggressive with dosages, or extends this cycle beyond 6 weeks, masculinization is likely.
The risk of virilization with this stack remains higher than taking Anavar or Winstrol by itself; however, this may be worth the risk for women competing.
Clenbuterol is a β2-adrenoceptor agonist (not a steroid), however due to its potent effects on lipolysis (fat loss) — when combined with Anavar it makes for a potent cutting stack.
The main issue when combining several anabolic steroids together is exacerbated side effects, compared to taking one of them alone. Thus, cholesterol levels and liver enzymes rise higher, testosterone shut down is more fierce and the risk of gynecomastia often increases.
However, Clenbuterol doesn’t affect any of the above and thus makes for a sensible stack for both men and women (as it doesn’t cause virilization).
Clenbuterol will not increase muscle mass (to a notable degree), thus it is taken strictly for fat loss.
The only concern with Clenbuterol is excessive stimulation to the CNS (central nervous system), causing an excessively fast heartbeat and potentially heart arrhythmia.
Anavar and Trenbolone are very different anabolic steroids, yet are sometimes stacked together during cutting cycles.
Anavar is a mild oral, whereas Trenbolone is a highly toxic injectable. Thus, Anavar can be taken by beginners, whereas Trenbolone should only be used by advanced steroid users.
In terms of body composition, they have similar attributes; both building lean muscle, shredding fat and having diuretic effects. However, Trenbolone is exceptionally more potent and thus the results from this stack will far surpass taking Anavar alone. However, running such a stack also diminishes the side-effect-friendly nature of Anavar.
Trenbolone will cause LDL cholesterol levels to soar, as well as impairing the HPTA (Hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis); exacerbating the shut down of endogenous testosterone.
This stack is not suitable for women, due to trenbolone often causing virilization side effects.
Note: This cycle should only be utilized by advanced steroid users, and should be considered highly toxic.
At first glance, this appears to be a strange combination, considering Anavar is a cutting steroid that dries out the body and Dianabol a bulking steroid that causes water retention.
Dianabol also can cause visceral fat storage, whereas Anavar reduces it.
Thus, this makes for a perfect bulking stack, where one is relying on Dianabol for mass, but the addition of Anavar helps to keep fat gains at bay.
Not to mention Anavar will also combat bloating and puffiness experienced on Dianabol, due to excess extracellular fluid.
Thus, Anavar will make for a more aesthetic bulking experience on Dianabol, albeit at the expense of further elevations in LDL cholesterol, liver toxicity and testosterone suppression.
Both of these compounds are oral, thus it is a convenient cycle for those looking to avoid needles.
Users should be wary of Anavar products secretly containing Methandrostenolone (Dianabol), as this is a common scam on the black market; due to Anavar being expensive to produce. If counterfeiters do replace Anavar with Dianabol, there will be no elimination of water retention or burning of visceral fat — but the exacerbation of both.
This stack isn’t suitable for women, due to Dianabol’s high likelihood of causing masculinization.
AST/ALT liver enzymes should be regularly monitored if implementing the above cycle, due to both compounds being c-17 alpha-alkylated and thus are more prone to causing hepatic damage. A SERM may also be utilized on-cycle (such as Nolvadex), if the nipples start to become swollen, to protect men from gynecomastia.
Anavar technically can be stacked with any anabolic steroid to good effect; however, the 5 stacks above are some of the most popular combinations.
For women, their choices are more restricted; however, stacking Anavar with Clenbuterol or Winstrol can produce impressive results.
There are more options for men; however, the most popular stacking choices are Testosterone (for lean mass) and Clenbuterol (for maximum fat loss). Other combinations can negate the mildness and safety rating that is unique and clearly advantageous with Anavar.