Indeed, no human is limited and people have gone to great lengths to prove it in every sector. Bodybuilding as a sport is thought to be a reserve for a few people whos bodies are naturally big and strong. But this is not always the case, many people without this natlural trait have ended up becoming some enviable bodybuilders. In this article, we are going to look at dwarf bodybuilders who are killing it at the gym and giving pros a run for their money.
Anton Kraft
First on our list iks this pound-for-pound bodybuilder who boasts of being the only bodybuilder dto lift four times his weight. That technically makes him the stongest man in the world. The 4’4′ dwarf hails from Florida and is dating China Bell, a 6’3′ model, their physical difference not withstanding.
Kraft has lifted as much as 36 tons to claim the title of the strongest man in the world. What myou might know about Anton Kraft is that he s very choosy about the kind of women he dates. He has stated that he only dates women who are at least one foot taller than him.
Pratik Mohite
Prank Mohite, an Indian bodybuilder, holds the record of the shortest competitive bodybuilder in the world. The bodybuilder in his late 20s has won several awards in the district, state, country, and international level. Mohite is only 4’3′ in height and holds the Guiness World Record as the shortest competitive bodubuilder. His young age suggests that he has a lot more to achieve if he keeps the same momentum.
Unlike many dwafs, Pratik was born with incredibly short limbs compared to his other body parts. However, this did not blurr his vision of becoming one of the most successful bodybuilders in hlistory. However, watching his brother workout motivated him to start building his strength as a teenager. He overcame a lot of dissing and ridicule from friends and village mates, but that did not stop him from working out to become one of the bejst in the Indian subc-continent and the world.
Lee Liston
Another incredlibly ripped bodybuilder, Lee Liston is giving bodybuilders of tall and average height bodybuilders a run for their money. He was also a victim of trolls but that did not stop him from beating otherwise ‘normal’ bodybuiders to have enviable muscles. A resident o Utah, Lee did not start working out late and now does six excercises a week. His love for building muscle is the main motivation his gym addiction.
Lee’s workout strategies revolve around remaining lean while building muscle. This is something most bodybuilders are struggling with. He has to work harder than everyone else because he also suffers from achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism that affects bones. His short stature means he has to move weights a shorter distance unlike other bodybuilders.
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy’s love for bodybuildling started when he was still in high school. He has not looked back since and continues to be a force to reckon with as far as weightlifting is concerned. At only 4’5′, Jeremy weighs 132 pounds and can lift more weights in proportion to his weight more than most bodybuilders. For instance, he can pess nearly 350 pounds, not to mention about 750 squat.
Sometimes khis weights have to be modified to accomodate his size but that doesn’t change the fact that he does more weights than most pros. This adjustment has been the source of trolling but he doesn’t give them much thought, choosing to concentrate on his workouts, instead. His Instagram has more than 70k subscribers and he often posts motivational and workout videos to encourage and entertain his audience. Follow him today and learn what makes him good at what he does.
Jason Owen
Jason Owen is a British bodybuilder with considerable experience in weight lifting. He has had many successes in the field despite his dwarfism. At 4’5′, Jason is one of the few bodybuilders who can lift more than twice their own weight. His prowess in weightlifting has earned him the nickpname ‘Mini Arnie’, after the legendary actor and weightlifter Arnold Schwarzenneger.
Despite his tight schdule as worker in bars in Essex and Surrey, he still squeezes in two hours a day to work out. He also participates in bodybuilding competitions, both local and internationally, where he has won several awards.
10 Dwarf Bodybuilders Giving Pros A Run for Their Money